23 1 (133) 2003 2
Sampling and Monitoring Releases of Airborne Radioactive
Substances from the Stacks and Ducts of uclear Facilities
Introduction to ew Standards of the America Part I:
卢正永( 中国辐射防护研究院, 太原, 030006)
Lu Zhengyong (China Institute for Radiation Protection,Taiyuan, 030006)
;( )
, ,
ISO 2889-1975 , ,
: X837. 05: A: 1004-6356( 2003)01-0035-05
Abstract ew standards have been published in America for sampling and monitoring the emis-
sions of airborne radioactive substances in the stacks or ducts of nuclear facilities. The standards
provided performance criteria for the sampling location in stacks or ducts and the sampling and
monitoring system of stacks or ducts T hese criteria cover the air sampling probes transport. ,
lines, sampling collectors and samples monitoring instruments and gas flow measuring methods.
The standards also discusse sampling program objectives, quality assurance, sampling system op-
timization and system performance verification et al T he standards would be the original ver-, .
sion to revise the ISO standards ISO( 2889-1975) that has been used since 1975. It would beuse-
ful to understand this standard.
Key words : New standardStack and duct Release substance Sampli ng and monitoring
[ 1]
( 1993 )
, (ISO) , 1975
( , ISO
) , 2889-1975
( [2]
) , ,
1969 A SI 13. ,
1-1969 (ISO 2889-1975) ,
: 2003-01-17
: ( 1941-) , , 1965,
2003 2 23 1
60 A SI 13. 1-1969 (4)
, 1999 A SI 13. ;
1-1969 , ( 5)
[3] ;
(Sampling and Moni- ( 6) ,
toring Releases of Airborne Radioactive Sub-
stances from the Stacks and Ducts of uclear ,
Facilities) , A SI/ HPS 13. 1-1999( ,
A SI 13. 1-1999) , ,
ISO 2889-1975 ,
ISO 2889 , 1. 2
, ,
101,,7 ( ) ,
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2 ( )
1 ; 0. 5
2 , 0. 50. 01
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: , ,
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) ; , ,
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2003 2 23 1
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: ( decision 95%) ; (2) ,
limit) (critical limit) L C , : L d ( 0.05) , L C ( 0.05) ,
L C (0.05) = 1.645S = 2.33B ( 1) ( 95%)
(detection limit) MDA 1. 4.4
L d , : ,
L d(0. 05) = 2L C( 0.05) = 4.65B ( 2)
, B ,
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, S = 2 B 0. 05 ()
, L C L d 1- 0. 05
目前世界上还没有一 个国家在运行 两 个结晶岩场址进行研究, 2002 年开始
乏核 (S F) 和高放废物(HLW) 处置 启动, 2008 年选定一 个场址; 芬兰2001
库。国际的共识普遍认为永久处置是保 年5 月批准了在 Olkiluoto 的结晶岩场
护公众健康和安全以及保护和恢复环境 址进行处置库的研究,2020 年完成认证
的最好方法,还认识到不论采用何种燃 研究;英国在2004 年前进行公共咨询和